Meet The Staff 2024 - 2025
Ms. Moira Longino
Howdy, youngsters! This is your Mee-Maw Moira speakin'... I am the official cookie baker and advisor of The Final Draft. This is my 61st year on staff and I have a hankerin' that it might be the last. Fun fact, I have 14 grand-babies; all their names are (in chronological order): Moira-Jean, Moira-Jo, Moira-Joan, Moira-Joanne, Moira-Sue, Moira-Ann, Moira-Kay, Moira-Betty, Moira-Lane, Moira-Leigh, Moira-Bobby, Moira-Diane, Moira-Patsy, and Moira-Denise. And I love them all equally.
(except for maybe Moira-Joanne, that girl is trouble!)
Mary Kate Patrick
Editor-in-Chief, Third Year Senior
Hiiiiii!!! My name is Mary Kate Patrick (aka Certified Diva) and I am a senior. I am the 2024-2025 Editor-in-Chief of The Final Draft. I am allergic to latex, talcum powder, and agression. I always carry marinara-flavored mints, bezazzled eyelashes, and sour cream mosturizer in my pink panther coat pocket.
Vannessa Law
Creative Director, Third Year Junior
Hello, I am Vanessa. I am a junior and Co-editor of The Final Draft. I bet you didn’t know this emoji existed 🖲️. I love drawing, cooking, and- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! HELP ME HELP HELP AAAAAAAAAA WHAT IS HAPPENING HELP!!! AAAAAAA
Caden Rhodes
Co-Creative Director, Second Year Senior
Heyo! My name is Caden and I’m a senior and the co-creative director in the final draft. I enjoy upcycling clothes and writing horror stories and skin. I dabble in the influences of David Lynch and the adversary, and otherwise I love death metal, the sound from inside your floorboards, and jazz. Have you ever wondered how to deal with stress ?DO NOT LOOK AT THE MIR-come downstairs, nothing bad will happen, dont you want to see me? :)
Audrey Tschopp
Community Outreach, Second Year Senior
Hi, I am Audrey Tschopp, I’m a senior, and my role in The Final Draft is community outreach. I enjoy thrifting, sewing, writing, and many other creative hobbies. I love my cat so much that I like to collect his beautiful whiskers…
Nadia Osborn
Secretary, Second Year Junior
hI! NaDia OsBoRn here. I am a jUnior aNd it is My SecONd YeAr On StaFf. I aM The Final DraFt's seCReTary anD i Am cuRrentLy writing a boOk!
Naomi Page
Editor, Second Year Junior
Heya im Naomi, this is my second year on The Final Draft, and Im a standard editor. I do digital art and writing, and I have an unhealthy attachment to antagonist characters in media. How does one escape the dark? YOU CAN//NOT... IT is all seeing. good luck.
Uma Bhadra
Editor, First Year Senior
Hello! My name is Uma Bhadra and I am a senior at Westlake. I enjoy crocheting. I have a feeling that all of my characters come to life at night and haunt me in my sleep.
Siena Brennan
Editor and Website, First Year Senior
Hey, I'm Brennan. I'm a senior and first year editor on The Final Draft. I like creative writing, classics, and gothic literature where the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never
Linscott (Goose) Letzerich
Editor, Sophomore
I’m Linscott “Goose” Letzerich, a senior and first-year editor for the Final Draft. I organize my cohert of pugs to eat roaches and bathe in mud. I also knit crooked bowties for my enemies, and eat white bread slices for comfort. Don't talk about me behind my back, I'll know if you do. Believe me.
Ozz Willis
Editor, First Year Senior
Hey y'all! My name is Ozz Willis. I'm a senior & it is my first year on The Final Draft. I am a musician and currently recording my first studio album. Here's a couple of reasons you outta vote for me this 2024 election: I've got a golf cart with 4 wheel drive, I think suspenders out to be mandatory in the work place, & my daddy owns a hardwear store out on Ostridge Road. VOTE FOR ME!
Scout Boone
Social Media, First Year Junior
Heyyy, I’m Scout Boone. I’m a junior at Westlake Highschool. I enjoy playing video games, writing, drawing, and swimming around. My favorite people are my boyfriend Ethan and my best friend Sofia. I was born and raised in the underworld. You may know my dad, he's quite popular! I also really enjoy rainbows, puppies and lolipops!
Isabella Alcala
Editor, First Year Sophmore
Hey there! My name is Isabella Alcala and I am a sophomore from Westlake’s literary arts magazine. My hobbies include slowly ripping apart oranges from the bottom up and drawing out my feelings in the form of anthropomorphic shark humans.
Cameron Harmon
Editor, First Year Freshman
My name is Cameron Harmon, I’m a sophomore, and I’m an editor on The Final Draft. I love a wide variety of music, from Sabrina Carpenter to Ghost, as well as writing! A fun fact about me is that I dabble in amateur storm photography, as I take a great interest in metereology, especially extreme weather. I love the crack of the thunder and the flash of the lightning; it's quite beautiful how illuminated everything is before darkness falls, isn't it? But I digress---I also love cats and raspberries. How gorgeous the beady red of the seeds, the juice dribbling from its middle. So sweet, so alive. Though the most interesting fact about me is one I don't tell to most. Would you like to hear it? I detest the circus. There are too many frayed, molding cracks in the walls.
Kaclynne Price
Editor, First Year Freshman
Hi, I’m Kaclynne Price. I’m a Junior, this is my first year on the Final Draft. I’m an editor. When I have free time, you can almost always find me drawing, reading, writing, watching killer documentaries, or listening to murder podcasts. I also have a a secret talent. I'm able to mimic the apperences and voices of people, in order to lead a sort of double life as whoever I want to be.